
Simplifying the College Selection Process

App & Website Design

Steering Student Toward Success

VirtU is a cutting-edge livestream website and mobile application that aims to simplify the college selection process by providing prospective students with virtual tours hosted by current college students. VirtU recognizes that selecting a college is a challenging decision, and its mission is to make the process easier for students by providing candid, honest virtual tours that provide an authentic college experience.

For many students, traveling around the country to tour different colleges in person is impractical and often infeasible. VirtU addresses this problem by offering both individual and group live tours led by trained student guides from universities across the United States. This saves prospective students time and money by providing a comprehensive view of a college without the need to plan out an extended trip. VirtU takes pride in its commitment to transparency and accuracy, ensuring that students gain a true sense of the college’s atmosphere and culture.

VirtU is a platform that provides a personalized virtual college tour experience. Users have the opportunity to communicate directly with current college students who have comprehensive knowledge about the college and can answer questions truthfully and candidly. In addition, VirtU offers an optional survey that assists users in narrowing down their college search and providing direction on which colleges might be the best fit. VirtU’s services are available as a website and mobile application on all devices.

The name VirtU, which stands for “virtual university,” is a nod to the platform’s high standards and unwavering commitment to truthfulness. The logo features a slab serif font, ensuring its seamless integration with others in the same field of application. VirtU’s brand attributes include honesty, energy, approachability, and informativeness, which are represented by a semi-transparent, folded paper plane in the logomark. The paper plane was chosen for its widespread recognition and the creative opportunities it presents. Origami fold shapes and flowing, rounded lines symbolize the movement of the plane through the app and website, capturing VirtU’s mission to make the college selection process more accessible and dynamic.

VirtU Process Book

Designed in collaboration with James Naser

Using Format